I have been salivating to get a shot a seeing Edgar Wright's Ant Man test footage from San Diego Comic Con 2012 since the day after it aired and he 'Net nearly exploded talking about it. As a fan of the character in general, the Robert Kirkman 'Irredeemable Ant Man' comic series, and Edgar Wright as a film maker in general this is the perfect storm for me. But Marvel has been chincy with releasing the material (for once they should take a page out of DC Comics playbook from when they leaked that Blue Beatle test footage to much fan fare) and since Avengers just came & went on Blu Ray without it appearing (there was a rumor it would be a special feature on there) it seems like we might never actually see it. But artist
Samurai Jack (someone we have featured here on CCD before) was in attendance at the panel back in August, so he decided to storyboard and animate what he saw on the big screen. This is the closest we are gonna get to the footage for now, and going from what I heard sounds ALOT like what was really shown. Way to show iniative Samurai!!! Check out the clip after the jump....
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