Transformable (!) Transformers Shockwave by Orion Pax...'nuff said! 'NUFF SAID!
This Porsche 911 Carrera i found over at the Brickshelf nearly singed my eyebrows as it sped past my vision.
click READ MORE below for more Lego-licious designs!
As a HUGE Disney fan, how could I not LOVE this scene from the original 'Toy Story' film recreated in brick by Joel Baker. "OOoooooo take me to your leader!"
Ochre Jelly plans to make this 'Castle in the Sky' the centerpiece of his BrickCon submission. I can't wait 'til the neighbors move in!
Rice rocket lovers and general all around car enthusiasts may enjoy the Suzuki Escudo I peeped over at Brickshelf. Vrooom!
Mike Doyle gave me the chills with this dilapidated 2 family house that's weathered some hard times. The snow detail is just amazing.
OK, I love everything about this one. Maclane created this Mash-Up concept with McDonald's and Star Wars and gave us 'The Corellian Cheeseburger' complete with a pilot that looks equal parts X-wing pilot and Ronald McDonald and a co-pilot that'll make R2 wanna glom some of your fries. Great detail! Note the Olive toothpicked in on the side that's actually a cannon. Unbelievable!
Sir Nadroj sent the po'-po' after us in this small scale but, thoroughly hooked up old skool cop car.
Fans of Ray Bradbury will like this piece by Oneman devoted to the book burners...umm 'Firemen' of 'Farenheit 451'
Retinence brought these seahorses to life and I thought they deserved a second or third look. Exquisite find!
I got Mr. Mike D. pounding the pavement in search of the hottest Lego fan work out there. Here's a ridiculously long (23 feet to be exact) airccraft carrier he spotted over at Great White Snark. Get a closer gander at all it's parts here ....Ships ahoy!
Thanks to Mike D we also get to feast our eyes on this Staypuft Marmallow Man attack scene from 'Ghostbusters' by Bill Ward and Brian Conti. I didn't dream it up. it just popped in!
I found this awesome rendition of the chest burster alien from the movie...'Alien' over at Brickshelf. This one looks alive and well...and get a gander at the Lego blood dripping over the framework. Ouch!
Flickr poster and Lego aficionado Proudlove posted his creation 'The Vampire Castle' to shrieks and shrills of his fans.
Phil Memmer did a great job bringing to life the Probe Droid from 'Star War The Empire Strikes Back'. Blast it!
Truaction Flix posted these shots of a supposed ad campaign that went viral last month confirming them to be a hoax...they're fun to look at anyway. Enjoy!
That's it for this month, Lego maniacs! I'll be compiling some of my new favorites and getting back at you monthly. Please submit any of your brick findings to me directly at gameplaya112@gmail.com.
I hate you and I love you for this. Lego is the bane of my exsistence as you know but I love seeing what people are doing with those little bricks. I am a very confused individual.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checkin' in Cal. It's wonderful to live in a world where people with our generation's sensibilities are using mediums we grew up with to create works of art. I recently bought some loose Legos to see what I could come up with...and I assure you I have nothing on any of these guys. My goal is to create something, one day, to put on display in my bathroom that will make guests smile when they step inside to evacuate. Until than...I'll be scour the interwebs finding these masterpieces that we can all view and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteWe need more of these posts... and more Like,Like?!? posts... c'mon dick, get em going!!!
ReplyDeleteThese are all amazing. I can't imagine the amount of time and design that goes into these works of art.
ReplyDeleteAre there any details behind how much time it takes to put one of these together?
Couldn't find you much information about the time consumed in creating these works of wonder. I assume it varies and depends on how much of a life the creators have. I tried to build something 2 weeks ago..it took me 5 hours and I still came up with 1/15 of a house. It'll be done it like a year of so.
ReplyDeleteGoing to go buy more blocks now!
Thanks for readin' Joe!