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October 31, 2013

Odle Timey Halloween Was Much Creepier Than Current Time Halloween... MUCH CREEPIER INDEED!!!

Back in the day Halloween costume construction involved much more creativity than just dropping bye your local Party City and picking out which costume you will wear out of a package. Nope, the old times required people to use things like old & ripped clothes, and most masks were created out of paper mache (which would lead to some impressive masks by the way!) or odd shaped objects like buckets, etc. Before store bought costumes people were forced to be creative, and the results were often creeptastic to say the least. I was over at the Weird Tales website (one of the great magazines of all time... still kicking, albeit in a digital format, after all these years) and found an insane gallery of oldie time Halloween photos that are just spooky as hell... so take a trip down memory lane to see what creativity, hard work, and a little bit of imagination can turn out a hella good Halloween costume. Check all of them out by clicking here, or check after the jump for my personal faves...

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