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December 6, 2012

Jurassic Prank

This is such a fantastic little video, but also a snapshot of the amazing lengths our special effects capabilities have expanded in just 20 short years. I remember going to see Jurassic Park in the movie theater at 14 years old in 1993 and being blown away with how real the dinosaurs looked. It took like 2 years, a mega budget, and the genius that is Steven Spielberg to make that movie magic a reality. It was the pinnacle of anything that had ever been done in special effects history. Now a days these type of effects are very common place... CGI & the cheapness of computers have made this sort of thing pretty mundane. Last years Terra Nova was a first year show sporting similar Jurassic Park-esque dinosaurs on a network TV show. Never thought I would see that in my lifetime. Which brings us full circle to Jurassic Prank, a cool prank video from KHA Entertainment in which they let an animatronic T-Rex run rampant on the streets of Ohio. The results are pretty hysterical. Enjoy the video after the jump and thank your lucky stars as a film fan that we live in this awesome time of special effects....

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