You may recognize CCD's latest Obscure Hot Chick of the Day from America's Next Top Model but, since she placed third that season she was probably easily forgotten (because honestly, first place winner is usually easily forgotten.) Is this show even STILL on? All I ever see is syndicated repeats of season 3! I digress, She's been modeling ever since Tyra gave her her big break and also has been showing up in small TV roles. If your a regular follower of CCD, you're probably either a geek or a nerd, much like us, and may have caught her on an episode of 'Big Bang Theory' but, sensual beauty, Analeigh Tipton, is about to explode onto the scene in Seth Rogen's new stylized 'The Green Hornet' and than she'll be sharing the screen with the likes of Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling in 'Crazy, Stupid Love'. Thanks to '...Next Top Model' , however, we were able to secure a shit-ton of photographs of her from recent shoots. So without further ado...we give you Ms. Analeigh Tipton!

*****Please click Read more below to see more Analeigh pics*****
Damn. Awesome!