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November 26, 2013

Star Trek - An Animated Script by Breaking Bad's Badger Mayhew

One of the highlights of Breaking Bad's last season for me has to be Brandon 'Badger' Mayhew's proposed Star Trek script that he disclosed when he was high on crystal meth. This was a gem of script writing by Vince Gilliam, because he squeezed a funny homage to a nerd property into a probable conversation that two 20 something meth heads might have. So animator Matt Czap decided to animate the story and what we get is a spectacularly bizarre 2 minute Star Trek tale featuring Kirk, Spock and all the rest of the beloved crew of the Enterprise... even Uhuru and her "big pointees" (what a great line). Very funny stuff... you can see more of Czap's work over on Eat That Toast. Check the Star Trek video after the jump...

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