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September 21, 2010

This Ones For You, Joe Fletch!!!

This post goes out to my old friend and frequent CCD reader Joe "Fletch" Flesche... I was thinking of him all day today because he just recently joined Facebook (3 years to late!!!) and when I saw these crazy cool Street Fighter 2 Simpson-ized characters I had to post them for him. You see, Joe was the absolute kin g of Street Fighter 2 in the Fudruckers game room on Crossbay Blvd. when we were teenagers. He was so good that despite the fact there was only one SF2 game in the arcade, if he was on the machine most people would step back and wait for him to finish. It was a waste of money to try and defeat him. I fondly remember him playing with a character that I would pick for him, while I played my best character, and him waxing me over and over again. Anyway, thanks to the always on point Dean from Springfield Punx for once again repping the Simpsons crossovers better then anyone else on the web. Click the link to get a look at all his wonderful stuff... and Fletch, its a pleasure to have you on Facebook just in time for us all to delete it and move on to the next one... Lol!!!


  1. Thanks for the write up Mike! I remember those days playing Street Fighter. Life was school, work, then Fudruckers. Fun times. Too bad when I tried to test my skills out in college at one of the last arcades in the world, China Town Fair, I was schooled. A below average Street Fighter. It was a sad day. I tried to get my skills up to par, but simply couldn't do it. I failed. And since have retired my competition Street Fighter playing.

    The Simspons Street Fighter art work looks fantastic! Can't wait to see what he does with the other characters! Cammy!

    The background artwork on the blog is awesome! Looks like he has been around for a bit.

  2. Yup, I remember going to Chinatown with you... I don't remember you getting schooled though!!! I do remember drinking out of a coconut and you whooping my ass countless times with Zangief and Dhalism... LOL. I also remember some serious Capcom vs Marvel 2 matches at Manhattan College when we were roommates. Good times kid... Laters!!!

    P.S. - Springfield Punx is the shit. We have featured him before on CCD. Dude is amazing.

  3. Yes I remember that Manhattan College actually had a couple of video game arcades. (One damn good reason to attend the school back in the late 90's. I'm not sure if they exist anymore. I'll have to ask my sister!) There was one in the basement of the cafeteria and then the other was in the Jasper Hall lounge. They had Marvel vs Capcom 2 in the cafeteria basement. So it got a decent amount of traffic, thus competition. Dope.

    Then Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the Dreamcast. Mike, do you remember the Dreamcast? Playing on the huge ghetto ass projection TV? Fun times.
