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August 13, 2010

Pop Tart World In Time Square Is Heaven On Earth

Thanks to our good friend Cal in the Cave of Cool, we got tipped off to the opening of Pop Tart World, a full on store and eatery that features everything Pop Tart. Holy. Fucking. Shitballs. I am a huge fan of Pop Tarts (Smores son... what!) and Tara can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner (she is a strawberry girl). So we ventured down to Times Square to check out just what this place had to offer.

As soon as you walk in to the store, you are immersed in everything Pop Tart. They got a huge counter in the back that serves all the food, but the rest of the store is pretty interesting. They got a T-shirt printing area:

Then there was some Pop Tart themed art on the walls:

But the coolest thing was the giant vending machine of Pop Tarts, where you can mix and match two packs of over 30 flavors to make a 10 pack box of your own mix... awesome!!!

As far as the snacks go, they had a pretty large menu for a place that only serves Pop Tarts:

On top of original Pop Tarts served a ala carte for about 1.50, they had a full workstartion where they were preparing some pretty intense creations:

They offered sandwiches like peanut butter and jelly or fluffernutters with Pop Tarts as the bread, marshmellows dipped in hot fudge and crumbled Pop Tarts, Pop Tart infused Rice Krispy treats (Tara got that) and ice cream with crumpled Pop Tarts on top... but the most interesting item on the menu was the one I got: Pop Tart Sushi!!!

Now before you get all skeeved out at the thought of mixing raw fish with Pop Tarts, you can take a pill. The Pop Tart sushi is actually a Pop Tart mixture molded into the form of a sushi roll. A fruit roll-up is subbed for the seaweed to hold it together. It was 2.75 for 4 pieces, and it was delicious!!! A tasty treat that was well concieved and original. Here are a few more pics... I highly suggest you give it a shot. It will be open until at least January 2010, so make it happen. Enjoy... happy eating!!!

Me gathering my thoughts on the sushi...

Tara Eating the sushi...

The Rice Krispy Treat!!!


  1. This is so cool! I am totally jealous that you got to go there. I hope you don't mind but I am going to reblog your post on my site. Awesome post. I knew you were going to check this out and I am glad you did.

  2. You kids have ventured into the fourth layer of hell.

    Cinnamon Frosteds BTW

  3. You're DEFINATLEY taking me here on my next trip to NYC!!! BELEEE DAT!!!
