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August 18, 2010

For The Academies Consideration: Piranha 3-D, Is It Oscar Worthy?

Following in the rich tradition of Joe Dante's 1978 cult classic Piranha and the 1981 James Cameron film Piranha II: The Spawning (Yeah THAT James Cameron... it was his first film) comes Alex Aja's Piranha 3-D. This whole movie has awesome written all over it. In my opinion, horror movies are the genre that translates best to 3-D since they have the most jump moments and great possibilities for extending the disgusting level to epic proportions by making it jump off the screen. I am really looking forward to this film in the next few weeks. Anyway, the cast, lead by the comprable Jerry O'Connell teamed up with the funny guys over at Funny or Die came up with a compilation video of why the Academy should consider their film for an Oscar... and any Oscar will do. This is great, and even though its tongue and cheek, they make some good points. Watch your back Pixar!!! (Best line in the clip) Enjoy, and tell me if you are going to see Piranha in 3-D next week in the comment section below.

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