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May 12, 2010

CCD's Summer Movie Picks - Tommy Lombardozzi

Iron Man 2 came out on Friday, and kick started the summer movie season with a bang. Here at CCD we all have lots of love for the cinema, so I figured we should all put together a top 5 of our most anticipated features of the summer... not the most popular, not the biggest blockbusters, not the most star filled... these are the ones that WE want to see. Next up, "Artin' It Up" author and all around Rockin good guy, Tommy Lombardozzi!!!

My Top 5:

5- 'The Expendables'

4- 'Get Him To the Greek'
3- 'Predators'
2- 'Inception'

... and, at number one...

1- 'Get Low' - Why is 'Get Low' my number one anticipated movie? Robert Duvall and Bill Murray in a Southern-gothic dark comedy. And that's that!



  1. I am excited for Get Low too. And knew you were going to pick it as your #1!

  2. You're so msaaaaaarrrrt!
    And just for that, you get to take me to see it! :D

  3. Can i come... please, please... lol

  4. Oops. I spelled "smart" wrong. ERRSH!!!!
