So... Civil War came out. Yup... it was just as epic as we suspected it would be. We here at CCD never really doubted it would come through, but hardly any of us imagined it could be as awesome as it turned out. So we had to let it digest... sink in... fully make it's impression on us before we could sit down and talk about it on the podcast. And we had to make sure we got the right team together to do it. So Jedi Rob welcomes young master James West and Mike D down into the CCD Nerd Cave to chop it up about what some are calling the "greatest Marvel movie yet!". We discuss all the goodness that is packed into this one film as well as speculate on what is to come from Kevin Feige and the gang over at Marvel. Enjoy the ensuing discussion and bask in the amazingness that is Captain America: Civil War....
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