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March 29, 2015

Inspector Gadget Returns Via Netflix... Oh Boy!

Netflix is pretty amazing, and their original programming has been pretty spot on over the past few months. House of Cards Season 3 was boss, Marco Polo was pretty great, and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is fucking hilarious. But their newest foray into exclusive programming has 80 babies like myself kind of excited. Inspector Gadget was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid, you just had to love the goofiness of it. It reminded me a lot of the Pink Panther movies starring Peter Sellers. Penny and Brain the dog were the real detectives, while bumbling Inspector Gadget meandered around NOT solving crimes. Dr. Claw was an amazing villain, and who didn't love all the cool stuff the Inspector had in his hat/coat arsenal? A Helicopter Hat... wait, what? This show was fantastic. A few years back in Australia a company called DHX Media created a new series of cartoons continuing the story, and Netflix has acquired the complete series for exclusive streaming. I am not to big of a fan of the CGI cartoons nowadays, but I am willing to give it a shot... I owe it to my 5 year old self. Check out a few stills after the jump, and tell us what you think about this new incarnation...

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