Wow... Day 13! Oooooooo, we're half way there (Bon Jovi voice)!!!! Halfway through the A To Z Blogger Challenge 2013, and boy do I have a treat for you guys. One of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen would have to be Pacsal Laugier's Martyr's, a film that explores the darkest places of humanity that may or may not exist on the planet earth. It revolves around a young girl who is kidnapped and tortured at age 12, and she escapes despite the fact that she is emotionally scared forever. Ten years later she finds the people who did this unspeakable evil to her and kills them, but are they really the culprits? Shit gets stranger and stranger... and what follows is as brutal as anytjing I have ever seen in film. The two main characters of the movie are played by European actresses Mylene Jampanoi & Morjana Alaoui, and so I thought this would be a fitting triple M trifecta to portray both of them as the picks for today's blogger challenge feature. Both are stunningly gorgeous, even though you wouldn't be able to tell from how bad they get put through the ringer in the film. But the pictures after the jump will certainly prove my point. If you want to see what some of the other bloggers in the A To Z challenge are doing, click here to check out everyone involved. You can see the M & M girls after the jump...
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