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November 29, 2012

This Voltron Cosplay Is The Truth....

I came across this unreal cosplay project over at Geeks Are Sexy that features one of the most intense and intricate pieces of Cosplay ever created and executed. Voltron was probably my favorite 80s cartoon, even higher on the list than He-Man, G.I. Joe, or Thundercats. But given the fact that Voltron is a 100 story robot, the chances of him being the subject of cosplay is usually not an option. But size did not stop this talented group of cosplayers as they created 5 individual lions that all could be assembled to form a complete Voltron robot. Holy. Fucking .Shit. The whole process is documented by the group over at craft website Instructables, and you should check it out by clicking here. But you can see the unbelievable photos of this costume that took over a year to create by clicking after the jump...


  1. sadly they have to get new people to do the legs each time due to the broken necks. This is pretty awesome.
