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August 27, 2012

Skate Upton: The Coolest Tumblr You Probably Never Heard Of

A few months back I heard about a cool new Tumblr blog by the name of Skate Moss, which superimposed pictures of Kate Moss on skateboard decks. It was a pretty cool way to highlight the sexiness of Moss and appeal to the asthetics of skateboarders. Not only that, but the page was open to submissions and even provided you with both a vertical & horizontal blank decks for you to customize in Photoshop. But all things evolve... and with evolution we strive for perfection. I give you Skate Upton, which of course features CCD's favorite swimsuit model Kate Upton on skateboard decks. I didn't think they could cram all of Upton's ample curves onto a deck, but that problem was solved by some of the geniuses who created pieces by breaking an image up over multiple boards. God dam I love this girl. I really hope there is a celebrity porn tape in her future. One can wish... Check out the pics I like best after the jump....

Thanks to Matt for putting me on to this wonderful site...