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November 30, 2011

Aliens On Ice... Yup, I Just Typed That

Check out this glorious two minutes of footage from a production of Aliens On Ice put on by The Old Murder House Theater Troupe out of Austin, Texas. God damn, why does all the cool shit happen down in Austin? Robert Rodriguez & Tarantino shooting movies, the Alamo Roadhouse movie theater, The South By Southwest Film & Music Festival, and now this.... I gotta get down to this wonderful town!!! Click after the jump for some no frills cyborgs, chest busters, mech suits, and monsters galore!!!

Also, check out the Youtube channel of Mr Scott Wampler (click here) for numerous clips from the show... this guy must either be part of the troupe or was in the audience. he has at least 8 videos of the action... make it happen!!!

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