"Based on the classic works of Edgar Allan Poe, director Bart Mastronardi has assembled an award-winning cast and crew for his upcoming trilogy TALES OF POE. A unique new spin on three of Poe's popular stories (The Tell Tale Heart, The Cask of Amontillado, & Dreams). Mastronardi weaves together a compelling and suspensful trilogy that will captivate Poe enthusiasts & horror fans alike."
Usually, I attempt to determine a film's worth by watching it's trailer. Unfortunately for me, (and perhaps even cleverly) a trailer has yet to be created for this film. I can say, however, that from viewing film stills and reading positive reviews from popular sites such as AnythingHorror.com, I'm pretty much salivating at the opportunity to see one of my favorite stories come to life on screen. Lucky for me, I've been invited to attend the premiere next week which means I'll be back with some photos and a full review of the film. Until then, to hold you Poe-Horror fans over, check out the Tales of Poe's Facebook page as well as some other sites that have already reviewed and covered production of the film:
I love the Tell Tale Heart. I've yet to see a version of it that does it any justice. I look forward to this.