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October 26, 2011

I Always Knew That Dog Was Pure Evil - Duck Hunt IRL

I spent countless hours spring clicking the demise of helpless mallards in Duck Hunt for the NES. A simple game, but amazingly effective. How the hell did that gun thing work anyway? Apparently it will not work on the new flat panel TV's only on the old CRT models. A reason to keep those bad boys around. I still find myself learning new things about that game. For instance did you know if you plug in a controller the 2nd player can control the bird movement? OMFGTITMATIEH!!!! Click after the jump for more...

And I keep trying to kill that goddamn son of a banjo mother luvin dog.

So apparently, I'm not the only one who has been influenced by this 8-bit classic.

G4 has recently launched a films division and they've been doing a good job of presenting original short films with video game themes. For their "Epictober Film Festival" the entries have a horror theme. My favorite has been this very clever and well produced little Duck Hunt inspired bit of terror.

The Hunt...will leave you breathless........(or something)

Pretty awesome. I don't think anybody could take their love of Duck Hunt any further than tha....

...oh wait.

Be sure to check out out the other gritty entries as well by clicking the posters below....


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