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May 20, 2011

On Stranger Tides Far, Far Away....

The guys over at Draw2D2 always come up with great geek mashups from some excellent artists, but in this past two week cycle they really out did themselves with the Pirates of the Caribbean/Star Wars combinations. These are just amazing, and prove just how awesome mashups can be if you put quality artists on the case with some great topics to mix up. Here are my faves, but you can click here to check out all the rest of this groups entries as well as all their past endeavors. You will not be disappointed.

Davy Vader by Plinio Pinto

Concentrate All Fire on the HMS Endeavor by Justin LaRocca Hansen

The Pirates of Kashyyk by Andy Hunter

Capt Jack on the run by Jack Hendricks

They Love Rides In Any Universe by Darren Tilly

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