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June 3, 2010

Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats... Ho!!!

Holy. Fucking. Shitballs... sorry, but it has been a longtime since I have been this excited about something cartoon related. It's not that I don't watch cartoons... quite the contrary, I spend many hours a week watching cartoons. But at 31, I am just not that excited by news of new cartoons... but this is not just any cartoon. This is one of my HOLY TRIUMVARITE OF 80'S CARTOONS ( along with He-Man and Voltron). Thundercats was far and away one of my all time favorites, and now the series is getting a reboot/new series on Cartoon Network. The creators of Batman: The Brave and The Bold (which I love) and the upcoming Young Justice are teaming up with the animators of The Animatrix and Batman:Gotham Knights to release a updated anime style version of the show. No words yet on the storyline the series will follow, but the pic above of Lion-O is the sole piece of concept art released so far. And I fucking love it. Batman: Brave and The Bold is one of the few newer cartoons that I absolutely love, and if these guys can get this one right I will be eternally greatfull!!!

 Rumors have been circulating about a new TV series or movie in the past few years, but nothing had ever come of it... except this crazy fan made trailer for a fake Thundercats live action flick starring Brad Pitt as Lion-O, Vin Diesel as Panthro, Hugh Jackman as Tygra... when I first saw it, I instantly picked up on the parts of Troy, Chronicles of Riddick, and X-Men that the fan sampled, but I still thought it was really cool. But now we have a great new show to look forward to. Enjoy the fan trailer and be on the look out for the new Thundercats cartoon on the Cartoon Network sometime in 2011.

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