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June 23, 2010

Mashups Like This Make Me Smile

Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" set to clips from the OG Star Trek series... can you say priceless??? Damn, those motherjumpers on the USS Enterprise really got it in back in the day, no??? Drinkin, dancing, and kicking each others asses. Take it easy Spock... Slow down Kirk, you killin 'em... Hope you enjoy the clip!!!


  1. -I love this song.

    -I love Ke$ha even if she has a pancake ass and beer gut.

    -I love 60's 'Star Trek'.

    -I love that the the charatcers drink alot, 'cause I'm an alcoholic and need validation to keep drinking. "Spock does it!!!"

    -I love that Clint Howard is the guy that doesn't get kicked to the curb because he looks like Mick Jagger.

    -I love the party not startin' until Kirk walks in!

    I'm gonna go watch it again and compile more things I like...see ya!

  2. I love Ke$ha BECAUSE she has a pancake ass and beer gut... and cause she is a dirty, dirty girl!!!

    On a side note, its disturbing how much drinking was done on camera during Star Trek... Interesting.
