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February 18, 2010

Lost Recap Season 6 Episode 4 'The Substitute' by Jeff Bond

The Substitute.......Or as I like to call it 'Best Episode of LOST Ever!!'

Quick, what's better than James 'Sawyer' Ford this season? James 'Sawyer' Ford this season with John 'Smoke Monster' Locke in tow. Or was it really John 'Smoke Monster' Locke doing the towing? Either way a MAGNIFICENT episode coming off the heels of last weeks filler nonsense in which Sawyer died 4times....

Let's get to it shall we? We have LOTS of ground to cover. Starting with......

Ilana sitting in the the foot of the fallen statue weeping at the loss of her leader Jacob and the rest of her fellow 'foot' soldiers. In walks Ben who excuses his intrusion. Ilana collects herself and questions Ben as to what happened. Ben, seemingly back to his old manipulative ways, bends the truth in his own favor and reports that Locke turned into a sexy stream of black smoke and partyed on her boys and than kicked Jacob's shit into the fire. No mention of ANY wrong-doing on Ben's part. Ilana scurries over to the fire pit where Ashy Jacob's remnants are and collects some of him up in a her little velvet weed pouch.

Ilana now joins the leftover Ajira peeps outside the relic and suggests they bury Locke. Let me just go on record as saying 'It's about friggin' time!' I wouldn't care if it was my most hated adversary laying rotting on the beach like that, I'd still suggest burying him....or at least covering him up with a palm tree branch or something. Stinky bald eyesore! They drag our fallen misguided hero back to the area of the beach where they 'bring out (their) dead'....and bury them. They then proceed to toss him in an open grave pit like a rag doll. Ilana suggests a eulogy and Ben's got a doozy: "I knew John Locke, he was a believer. A man of faith...and he was a much better man than I will EVER be..... And I am very sorry I MURDERED HIM!" (Cue awkward stares from the on-lookers)

There's always the 'right' crowd around for the 'right' occasion it seems. Had Jack and Sayid been present here, Ben would have at least had to pick his teeth out of his chewing gum when they were done pounding on him. But instead we get curious looks as if Ben just announced he peed himself. Get that guy! He killed Locke!!Ilana says they need to catch up with the rest of the island folk 'cause Smokey he's in a recruitin' mood.

Meanwhile back in Universe-X, John Locke-X is still livin' it up as only the paraplegic other-worlders can do. He's got wedding plans with his lady love, Helen-X, who mentions Locke-X's dad as if in this Universe, Daddy-X never pushed his ass out a building window. That fall in which was responsible for crackin' a brutha's spine in a place or two.

Locke-X is still being mistreated by 'big douche' Randy-X who fires him after he finds out Locke had shirked business duties on his excursion to Sydney. This trip, by the way, is the one he was busy NOT going to the fabled Walkabout on. Fuckin' liar! I trusted you this time!! I knew this cracker was lyin' but I decided to trust him anyway. Lyin' ass Cracker!!

Que to the parking lot where Locke-X runs into the box companies' owner Hurly-X who offers to place him into a new line of work via a temp agency also owned by Hurly-X. The companies' supervisor is none other than....bum bum bum......Rose-X!

Rose-X confirms that her cancer is still growing after her return from Sydney and that John-X should stop trying to do things he CAN'T and just let himself be placed in a job appropriate for him and start getting on with his life as SHE has.

John-X, however, has that pesky business card of Jack-X burning a whole in his pocket- protector and contemplates getting himself poked and prodded by Jack-X, yet another doctor, so that he and Helen-X can truly be happy together.

Helen-X isn't haven' any of THAT and rips up the business card, in a true testament of her love for him. Will destiny intercede and bring Dr. Jack Shepherd-X to their doorstep anyway? Will Helen-X contract the same cancer-X that killed her doppelganger? Stay tuned true believers.

Panning now to Locke-X placed in his new job....Substitute teacher of a junior high school. Here Locke-X encounters his new co-worker Benjamin Linus-X..who's a European History teacher...and is anal about his coffee...not in an enema type of way, but anal nonetheless.

Is this right? How the hell is Ben in Universe-X? Where did we see him last in 1977 before the 'Incident' sent our path forking into 2 seperate realities. Anybody? Anybody??

Saving the juiciest for last, back near New Otherton, Smoke E. Monster is on the prowl SANS Locke-suit to a 'Stooges' tune. He hovers around a bit in a cool first person p.o.v that puts you, the viewer, in his um...smoke. Gotta love it! Smokey stops to retake Locke form and release Richard from a Roussieu like trap, where he's been stashed, to give him another chance to be recruited. Richard refuses and asks him why he's posing as John Locke. Monster/Locke replies that he needed to take the form of a 'candidate' in order to get in to see Jacob (part of the 'loophole'?) This Monster/Locke is pretty forthcoming, not like his elusive adversary Jacob 'What ABOUT you, Ben?' Jacobsen. I like this Smoke Monster! Do you like this Smoke Monster? Show of hands for team Smoke Monster, everybody!

Richard looks as if he's a victim of spousal abuse. I'm just sayin'.

Richard says a few things that leads me to believe that he doesn't know ALL the islands secrets like I had hoped...but just a little more than Ben. Yet another person being kept in the dark by Post-it notes and chicanery. Monster/Locke wonders aloud why yet another relatively smart person follows someone he's never met for reasons he doesn't know. Says Richard should join him instead. Sounds like a plan to me. Monster/Locke is distracted by a cute blonde boy (holla!) whose drippin' blood from his palms in the distance. (Cute, young and bloody just like he likes 'em). Richie CAN'T see blonde boy, but takes the opportunity to make a break for it and Monster/Locke sets up his recruitment center, instead, at the would-be home of James 'Sawyer' Ford.

James has been hittin' the bottle and blastin' the aforementioned apocalyptic Iggy & The Stooges jam tryin' to dull the pain of the loss of Juliet. Apparently he's been sitting in his boxers for quite some time...not even getting up for bathroom breaks. You see that full dirty diaper he was walking around with? Diz-Gustin'. That oughta make you Sawyer gals jump to team Jack once and for all.

A few classic Sawyer lines later...

Monster/Locke has no recruitment issues in this instance. Monster/Locke tells Ford he can answer the biggest question of them all if he comes with him:

'Why are you on this island?'

....and with that, James is happy to oblige, but mostly just because James doesn't care about much of anything anymore.

The new duo head out and bump into first Richard (again) who has a last minute scooby doo style turn-back-now 'he's going to kill everyone' wmessage for Ford. Just then blonde boy (hollar!) pops up. The blonde boy whom apparently Ford CAN see. Blonde Boy reminds Monster/Locke that he can't kill 'him'...and that he knows the 'rules'.

A few more classic Sawyer lines than......

They press on. Ford has the opportunity to GAT BLAST Monster/Locke. Monster/Locke has the opportunity to let Ford drop into the sea, but they don't because they like the chemistry they have goin'. A real Bro-mance. ('Smoke-mance' maybe?)

They've arrive at the destination. This is what Smokey says is Jacob's man cave (hollar!). A quick stop to discard a small white rock and tip the scales in favor of the small black rock, literally,..... than the big reveal:

A cave ceiling with 100's maybe thousands of potential 'candidate' names. People, Smokey says, Jacob has been manipulating toward the island for what we can only expect is for 100's maybe 1000's of years. Persons Jacob is weeding through to find his own replacement in a move I can only describe as Willy Wonka on crack (and if you seen the movie 'Charlie & the Chocolate Factory' you know it ALREADY IS on crack!) The candidate's names have been discarded 1 by 1. Now only 6 remain.....numbered for cataloging purposes:

4-Locke (gulp)
8-Reyes (double gulp)
15-Ford (gasp)
16-Jarrah (double gasp)
23-Shepherd (SHRIEK!)
42-Kwon (!)

The numbers. THE numbers! Attached to the names. THE NAMES! The numbers and the names! (singing and dancing)

This is all starting to fall into place. Reminiscent of some season 2 'button-pushing' debates, Smokey insists there's nothing special about the island but Jacob is fool bent on protecting it and finding a new protector to proceed him. Ford is bewildered as Smokey crosses off another of the six left...#4 John Locke who is now dead and buried and 'out of play'. Monster/Locke offers James three very simple yet different choices for Sawyer.

1) Do Nothing (sounds easy enough) ...but maybe find himself crossed off the ceiling one day as well. (Gulp)
2) Perform um...Jacob's job on the island and protect it! (from what?!)
3) 'We just go home' in Cartman's "Screw you guys...I'm goin' home"

"The island is nothing special.''Smokey says.

Sooooo the talking dust cloud that took the form of the recently departed island dweller, on an island with tropical polar bears, time travel wheels, cancer and paralysis cures, fertility and infertility issues, unnavigable surrounding waters and skies, magic boxes, pirate ships, 100s of year old inhabitants, ......(phew)...takes a moment to stress to James that there's 'NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT THE's just an island'. Are you friggin' kidding me!? What's next? What's next!? WHAT'S NEXT?!?

Monster/Locke, apparantly had James Ford 'at hello',as Renee Zelweger might say, because before Monster/Locke could finish the 3 options, James is all 'let's go'.....I can't wait to see if Sawyer will put Smokey in the front basket of his bicycle and fly him acrossed the island moonlight.

Things I'm pondering:

  • Could Jacob's ashes have ANYTHING to do with these ashes the 'Foot' Soldiers use to sprinkle perimeters to keep Smoke Monster at bay? This may not be the first time Jacob or one of the previous island's protectors perished by the flame in this manner and we know Smoke Monster can't lay a hand on Jacob himself. So why not use Jacob's own ashes to ward him off? Things that make you go hmmmmm.
  • That better have been a small sand crab and not one of those Nicki and Paolo paralysis spiders scurrying away from Locke's beach corpse. There's already plenty of pseudo Lockes running around. I'm not in favor of real Locke surprisingly regaining consciousness before he's fully buried alive. Shoo with that theory, folks. Shoo Shoo!
  • Notice the 'whooooshy' airplane noises in between scene flashes have been replaced by the more ominous Smoke Monster rickety roller coaster noises? Why come? Is it at all possible we're seeing a Smoke Monster 'flash-sideways' and not a John Locke one? (???)
  • The dingy broad at Hurly-X's temp agency asking Locke-X Myspace bulletin questions was Lynn Karnoff, the fortune teller, from the Hurly-centric 3rd season episode 'Tricia Tanaka is Dead'. If you recall ('cause I didn't) she's the fortune teller who tries to lift Hurly's curse but is easily bribed by him to satisfy his Dad, Cheech Marin.
  • In a response that can only be expressed as unstable and out of character for 'it/him', Smoke Monster (in the John Locke suit) yells Locke's catch phrase 'Don't tell me what I CAN'T do!' at the shows new mysterious blonde boy who's rehashing the island rules. Is it just me or is John Locke's personality taking over Smoke Monster a bit in a way we're expecting Smoke Monster to be taking over Sayid back at the temple? Probably just me.
  • The dialogue between Monster/Locke and Richard in which he tries to recruit him wondering why someone would follow someone they can't see or doesn't interact in any way with reminds me of the blind faith of followers of Jesus and God. That would kinda indirectly dictate the Smoke Monster is the Devil, Satan himself, in this equation.
  • Which KWON does the ceiling's number 42 apply to Sun or Jin? Vote NOW!
  • I saw 'Littleton' written and crossed out. Indication that she has died or has been taken out of the running because of the infection. Does this mean 'Jarrah' is right behind her in her ousting? What other names did you notice on the ceiling? Let's get a nice list going.
  • Who does blonde boy want to remind Monster/Locke he can't kill? Jacob for good? Sawyer because he's a candidate? Blonde Boy himself? Richard?
  • The big new question will undoubtedly be 'Why was Kate's name not visible on the cave ceiling?' Does Kate not fit into this grand plan whatsoever? Although probably regarded as one of the show's top 5 regulars, she was not give a priority number on the cave ceiling. She may not even have any reason to be on that island at all other than to fuck shit up. Does this ultimately make her less important to the show's mythos or will she have a grander role to play than we could ever have imagined? What's your guess?
  • Is Monster/Locke lying to Sawyer? Could he possibly be telling the truth? Can we start believing anything we hear yet??
God I'm just ......................Lost!

- JB

PS: Any 'Substitute' title meanings? Who or what are all the substitutes in this week's episode, class?

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  1. Hmmm, so many questions this week! Are we ever going to get answers?

    Off the top of my head, I think that Sawyer is going to con Fake Locke and wind up on the right side of the equation - Saywer's side that is!

    Next - after reading you comments and rumminations about Kate and the lack of a number for her I had a moment! We all know that Cuse and Lindeloff like to use biblical shit as a reference or analogy. What if Kate is supposed to play the role of Mary Magdalene? MM was never fully recognized for her role as a follower and perhaps even lover or wife. Kate could be important to the island and Jacob and play a very important role, but maybe she's just not being reconized. Maybe Kate is there to help move things along (or fuck shit up) but like MM, was never a "candidate." Okay, so I just thought this up and haven't had any time to fully think it through.

    Good blog!

  2. Wow... wow!!! The reason I am patient with Lost during the slow weeks is for episodes like this... Wow!!! Now, here is my thoughts.

    1) That kid is almost def Jacob, but Aaron is a good guess too. What if the Bloody Kid is Aaron, and Aaron is the son of Jacob. Like if Jacob was God, and Aaron is his son like Jesus Christ???

    2) I think the Kwon is Jin, just on the merits that the other females did not make the cut... just seems logical.

    3)Where the fuck is Whitmore, Desmond, and Walt??? Now last week I ranted that I hate when the story navigates away from characters, but they are taking this shit way to far with some people I thought could be important. In the last 3 seasons(4,5 and 6) we have seen Walt like twice. I really hope they dont plan on making him an intricate part of this story after him being missing so long... he seemed like he was going to be sooooo important. And where the fuck is the dog????

    I like the suspense of everything going on, but I hope JJ and the crew at least give us the info needed to solve the mysteries before the big reveal... I hope they don't withhold information till the end, then spring it on us as they wrap up the series... That would cheapen it for me.

    ALright, Thanks for your time... Good Job again JEFFREY!!!! Read C-C-D everyday!!! Later

  3. Oh, and 2 more thoughts.

    1) The Substitute- possible that it eludes to the substitution for the bullshit episode "What Kate Does"???

    2) I hope those spiders that you talked about are not the same as the Nikki and Paolo things... I hated those assholes, and I hope that was a simple solution for those hated characters and not a reoccuring plot device...

  4. "Could Jacob's ashes have ANYTHING to do with these ashes the 'Foot' Soldiers use to sprinkle perimeters to keep Smoke Monster at bay?"

    ANSWER: No. Go back and look again when Ilana is scooping them up like a kitty litter box change. They are as white as pure snow. The ashes that were spread around the cabin and Chancho before his death were blacker than midnight. Which means that poses (SURPRISE!) another question...

    Are the black ashes actually remnants of Flocke's (or as you choose to call him; Monster/Locke's) original body?! iWonder...

    You bring out a good point of Ben being in Universe-X. IS this right? Wasn't he still there healing in the temple when the island was supposedly blasted under water? So what the what is he doing in Study Hall?!

    Kate has been pretty much useless for seasons now (with the exception of her taking Aaron under her wing for three years). If they go and make this bitch even MORE useless due to her lack of involvement with the numbers, well then that is just plain WHACK. I'd like some sort of moonlight shined on this please...

    Flocke most definitely has another agenda other than just wanting to get off the island. What’s he plannin’ on doin’ with his fake ass body snatchin’ self when he does? Where will he go? Why is Sawyer seriously not considering this? Over a broad?! MAN THE F UP, SUCKA! If you give this crazy, half dead heathen what he desires and it turns out to be (cue me some REM) the end of the world as we know it, then you AND your bitch have seriously died for nothin’ and your honky ass will single handedly be responsible for the destruction of everything that is everything. UNLESS! turns out Flocke is the good guy. And now….I’ve pissed myself off.

    Overall, was this a great episode, character-wise? Absolutely. Best episode ever? Settle down little doggy. Mikey D is right. We could really use some more 411 on old characters & dusty back-stories that still have big giant question marks over themselves. I don’t expect every loose end to be neatly tied but for the love of latter day saints, please tell me what Widmore and Dharma have to do with it all!

  5. ok, here we go...

    ONE. Locke better be dead.

    moving along... i totally got the whole blind faith thing with Locke and Richard.. that was disappointing though, i thought Richard was going to be this ill dude who had all the answers to turn out to be a battered wife.. boo!

    i did think it was interesting that Sawyer saw the blonde kid and recognized Smokey for who he was immediately.. makes me wonder if the blonde kid was talking about Sawyer when he told Smokey about ''the rules'' maybe Sawyer is the next... shall i say... Savior of the island? help bring back the balance? he already stood up to Smokey in the forest, pointing that gun to his face.. so he already has his doubts... (oh and by the way i noticed the shitty drawers and he definitely lost points, but nothing a hot shower can't fix :) and i get the feeling once all those bottles of whiskey wears off a we'll see great things from him... maybe.

    and i have no idea who the little blonde kid could be..but if he is Aaron then my next theory probably doesn't work...

    names and numbers... i don't remember seeing Littleton.. but i'm thinking maybe it refers to Aaron, not Claire, he's not on the island anymore so technically out of the running.. AND every other name on the ceiling is a dude.. and yes i think Kwon refers to Jin not Sun..

    i also think that maybe (and this may be far fetched or not) that this is Smokey's bat-cave, don't we know Jacob to reside at the beach? for a millennia? who's to say this isn't his list of people to murder to get off the island or some craziness...

    i like the whole Kate/MM theory.. i really hope she ends up being important or at least valuable in some respect.. because jeez lah-weez! i really could have did without her all these seasons...

    and yeah where the hell is Desmond, Whidmore and the gang? and where the hell is Walt?! i too thought he was going to be this ill character and do some crazy sh*t on the island... what's up with that?!

    oh yeah! our beloved Ben! i really didn't give it much thought til you brought it up but maybe in Universe-X his momma doesn't die during birth and his father doesn't become a drunken douche with nothing better going on in his life than being a janitor at the D.I.

    it was a great episode, Jeff, i agree. great job as always..

  6. (transferring comments from Facebook)

    Chris says:

    "Great blog! You missed the same thing I did in my blog though...Jacob's Ladder! You know...the one that MIB and Sawyer descended (with some struggle) to get to the cave.

    In biblical terms, Jacob's Ladder is symbolic of a connection between God and man. Also, in Genesis 28:10-12, "Jacob had a dream in which he saw a stairway/ladder resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God ascending and descending on it." It is also said that Jacob used this proverbial ladder to escape from his brother, Esau. There's something here I tell you.

    Also, for those who believe that the nuclear blast in 1977 is what sunk to island, I don't think so. Why? Well, Ben was in the Temple bathing in the healing pool when The Incident occurred. If the bomb sunk the island, then Ben would be in Davy Jones Locker, not teaching European History in 2004."

  7. Alyson says:

    "Jacob's ladder!

    Chris - All rules are out the window for Alt universe - even if ben was still at the temple taking a bath when the bomb went off, he could still live in the altverse. That is, if the timeline didn't diverge right then and there and we are seeing two timelines separate of each other.

    P.S. - even with soiled pants, I still heart Sawyer!"

  8. Rob says:

    "Jacob is in Sayid? Ok maybe, but then why do they wanna poison him? Well maybe it's not poison, but ok what is it's not Jacob, and what happened to Claire? There is a strong allusion in the show that the trap is Rousseau's but then it's Claire's. Cliare possessed by Rousseau? Are dead island folk going to start infecting live island folk? Is that why all the dead peeps were on the poster?!
    And we have to assume Ben went into that fountain too as a boy, which erases his memory (lame). What happened to him?"

  9. Erol says:

    "Sorry Jeff but yet again this show answered us nothing!!! All we know is the smoke monster is the dark man and yet his character is throw at us last season. We know nothing about this island.. Where is Alvar Hanso? Where is Widmore? They completely dug such a big hole by creating 5 new characters every episode that its nearly impossible to solve all the questions. Does this mean the Dharma Initiative ever existed? Then season 2-3-4 were utterly pointless!! and you guys wasted money on useless T-shrts!!

    Is this becoming Stephen Kings "The Stand" 2 sides recruiting for a final battle of good and evil? If this is the case then we all just wasted 6 yrs of our life."

  10. Chris says:

    "@Alyson - I still stand by my statement 1000%. All I'm saying is that IF the alt-universe started at the point of Jughead detonation, then that cannot be the cause of the island sinking because Ben would be dead and not teaching History. Most theories floating around believe that that alt-universe started in 1977 when the bomb went off AND that it is the cause of the island being submerged. This last episode completely debunks that theory. As far as all rules are out the window in the alt-universe, I totally agree because we don't yet know it's starting point. I am actually starting to think that maybe the timeline we're seeing doesn't even happen until after a "reset" that we have yet to see...maybe in the season finale.

    @Kristen - I actually tried to reply there first earlier and it wouldn't confirm my WordPress ID, so I gave up and posted here. Sorry, that would have been better."

  11. Paul says:

    "Only men can be candidates. I specifically heard the smoke monster say "bro's before ho's" when he was flying . Great episode!!"

  12. Virginia says:

    "Hahaha..great Paul!....I not only have no theories but am I the only one who still thinks they're being completely vague as hell? So we know fake Locke is the smoke monster...who caress - what IS the smoke monster? I feel the other timeline is a waste of time because we all know how its going to end up - on the island,- again. I think walt and vincent are being ignored and personallly i want some explaination for that. Vincent had to be on that wall too....but why save a dog? Maybe he;ll replace jacob. we should compile a list of questions and check them off as they get answered! Im afraid they arent going to explain the numbers fully - werent the numbers next to the names the seats they were sitting in the plane?......."

  13. Just for some clarification... when was the last time we saw Walt??? Was it when he saw Locke in the wheelchair back in the real world??? I am just having a really hard time swallowing the pill that Walt has nothing to do with everything on the island. They made such a concious effort to elude to his special powers both on and off the island, made such a big deal when he was kidnapped, and now he is gone in a poof of smoke like Kaiser Sose... I am going on record righty now as saying that I don not think the ending will satify us LOST FANATICS. But this is nothing new, as NOBODY IS EVER SATISFIED BY ENDINGS OF SHOWS OR MOVIES THEY LOVE. People hated the end of the Sopranos, they hated the Prequels to Star Wars, and they will continue to hate the endgame presented by creators who struggle to sum up such a successful creation... just saying. God I hope Im wrong!!!!

  14. Wow.

    Wouldja Look at the turnout this week's episode of Lost has caused! Thanks for reading and responding, my people. Let me tackle a few of these posts.

    But first, Let me preface my response by telling you I know nothing, you all seem to have a great handle on things and that just because I write colorfully doesn't mean I have any insight into what I'm seeing unfold. My knowledge of Religion, Myth, Science, and Philosophy is limited to what I've learned via TV and movie viewing for the last 30+ years. Haha

    That being said....

    ALYSON says: "I think that Sawyer is going to con Fake Locke and wind up on the right side of the equation - Saywer's side that is!"

    (jb)-Fantastic! Seeing Sawyer con a mystical island monster made of Smoke will make truly happy. I REALLY hope this happens.

    MIKE D sars: "Where the fuck is Whidmore, Desmond, and Walt??? Now last week I ranted that I hate when the story navigates away from characters, but they are taking this shit way to far with some people I thought could be important."
    "....And where the fuck is the dog?"

    (jb)- no doubt in my mind that Desmond and Whidmore fit heavily into the final proceedings of this story. Looks like they might be giving us a quick view of what the flight 815 passengers have become in Universe-X before they wrap up what's happened With Desmond, Penny, Charles Whidmore, Mrs. Hawing and Daniel Faraday back in the Universe 1.0. remember they are ALL family!

    As much as I want to see Walt again, I feel like the producers have given up a bit on his character because of a growth spurt the actor had in real life. This makes no real sense to me. The shows taken place over 3 or 4 years and the actor has aged 3 or 4 years in real life. That'd be like filming your newborn baby for a show....than coming back to film him a year later for scenes that OCCUR a year later and say he/she grew to big in a year. He/She has a year's worth of growth, dummies!! I'm keeping up hope they can fit him in the storyline again somewhere. Maybe he goes to school where Ben and John now teach!?!

    Have we seen the LAST of Vincent. Our Ketty says she thinks Vincent may have not been Vincent from day one:

    KETTY says: "................ decided to go back to see the first few episodes of Lost season one. its amazing how many things were already implied in that first season! so many to get into but we think that the black smoke monster inhabited Vincent the dog from day one! he is missing and there is one scene where Vincent is hiding in the bushes but creepily spying on Locke on the beach. then i forget if its episode 3 or 4 but Locke finds Vincent, and goes to wake Micheal up to tell him."

    (jb)-Wow! Amazing Ketty, imagine that is true?! I'm down with that. What better way for Smoke Monster to have run the 815 survivor camp and decide who was best to 'embody' if that's what we'd call it. Great, Ketty. I CANNOT wait to watch this whole series again from scratch after the finale when we have most of the answers we've been looking for, now!

    "ANSWER: No. Go back and look again..........They are as white as pure snow. The ashes that were spread around the cabin and Chancho before his death were blacker than midnight. Which means that poses (SURPRISE!) another question...
    Are the black ashes actually remnants of Flocke's (or as you choose to call him; Monster/Locke's) original body?!"

    (jb)-YES! If this 'ashes' theory has any merit, I suspect your thoughts will be correct! Great job. I'm always missing the mark by about a mile! But I love it!

    ..................more responses to come!!

  15. OK- as my brain snaps, crackles & pops digesting not only the show but all the theories from my fellow comrades i'm gonna throw my thoughts into the ring

    1-a lot(& i mean A LOT)of people feel strongly that universe-X forked off from the incident of '77 but i've had a separate idea where u-X is not an alternate but a completely different parallel reality. there are so many little differences in everyone's life from u-X that seem to have occurred w/o the island's influence that who really knows what those crazy Dharma kids did to sink the island. So for me Ben being around is not such a complete mind f#ck(honestly i'm still trying to piece all this together).

    2-Sayid/Jacob Claire/Rousseau.....who knows?!? i won't even play myself trying to hazard a guess on that..what i will say is the appearance of creepy lil bloody blondie does make me question the idea that there might be more players involved in this besides Jacob & Smokey..hmmmmmm

    3-the numbers the names!!! i wasn't surprised to see Kate not obviuosly listed on the 'wall of fame. from early on Kate was discredited as a potential candidate because she is such a bad seed. now, the Kwon question....i have a theory based on the fact that Jacob touched both Sun & Jin @ their wedding. maybe he wasn't touching or marking them directly but what they could produce together...dumm de dum dum... BABY KWON!!

    overall it was a great episode for me... reveals are nice but what i really & truly dig about this maddening show are the stories and characters. i like the build & suspense of it all. & yeah, there has been a whole lotta buildin’ & suspensin' but i just gotta keep in mind, its all for our entertainment....all i gotta say is they better make it good.


    KRISTEN says: "You bring out a good point of Ben being in Universe-X. IS this right? Wasn't he still there healing in the temple when the island was supposedly blasted under water? So what the what is he doing in Study Hall?! "

    (jb)- If my memory serves me, which it rarely does, the last time we saw Ben was when he was shot and they brought him to the temple to heal have him healed. We assumed he would be healed and Richard said he would have no memory of what had happened and that he'd 'never be the same again'. We also DO know that in the timeline we saw unfold before all this time jumping, Ben was a key figure in the Dharma purge which took place 10 years (date check?!) after the events of the 1977 'Incident'. Are we to infer that the 'purge' still happens in the timeline in which the bomb never goes off and the hatch is still built?

    FRANCES says: "oh yeah! our beloved Ben! i really didn't give it much thought til you brought it up but maybe in Universe-X his momma doesn't die during birth and his father doesn't become a drunken douche with nothing better going on in his life than being a janitor at the D.I."

    CHRIS says: "Also, for those who believe that the nuclear blast in 1977 is what sunk to island, I don't think so. Why? Well, Ben was in the Temple bathing in the healing pool when The Incident occurred. If the bomb sunk the island, then Ben would be in Davy Jones Locker, not teaching European History in 2004."

    ALYSON says: "All rules are out the window for Alt universe - even if ben was still at the temple taking a bath when the bomb went off, he could still live in the altverse. That is, if the timeline didn't diverge right then and there and we are seeing two timelines separate of each other."

    (jb)-I'm assuming Ben was still born on the side of the road since that was BEFORE the events of the 1977 'Incident'. The key here was that I under the impression that after Richard had Ben healed and before the events of the 'purge', The Others assimilated him back into the Dharma camp as a turncoat so that he could be responsible for that purge and finally join the ranks of the Others like he had been begging for since 3 seasons ago. HERE'S THE CLINCHER FOLKS....If he was INFACT assimilated back into the Dharma camp immediately AFTER he was healed, and DAYS before the events of the 'Incident', than he might have been evacuated with the rest of the women and children in the melee before the 'Incident'. Is it possible that Ben made it back to the mainland BEFORE the island sunk in Universe-X and was raise off island much like Ethan Goodspeed was.

    If this were to be the case. Than could it be possible that Ben is the only one in Universe-X with knowledge of what occured on-island before the 'Incident' sunk it!? Sure he wasn't supposed to remember the immediate events of how he was shot and healed, but surely he was old enough to remember bringing food to Sayid in the Dharma Jail. Surely he'd recall growing up on the island and wanting to join the Others and get away from his father Uncle Rico! Can BEN LINUS be one person, the key that makes everyone in Universe-X recall knowing eachother in Universe-1.0.


  17. Those of you with Word Press i.d.'s that aren't working and casn't sign in can probably just sign up anew for tTHIS Blogspot to comment. Should only take a few minutes to sign up with a new password.

    Mike D.? Am I right? Any insight into this? People NEED to comment. Haha.

  18. Ben was definitely still at the temple when the sub (Galaga) left the island. Don't forget that Roger Linus shot Sayid for shooting/taking his son. There was no time in between when he could have been re-introduced to the DHARMA camp.

  19. CHRIS says: "Great blog! You missed the same thing I did in my blog though...Jacob's Ladder! You know...the one that MIB and Sawyer descended (with some struggle) to get to the cave.

    In biblical terms, Jacob's Ladder is symbolic of a connection between God and man. Also, in Genesis 28:10-12, "Jacob had a dream in which he saw a stairway/ladder resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God ascending and descending on it." It is also said that Jacob used this proverbial ladder to escape from his brother, Esau. There's something here I tell you."

    (jb)-RELIGION! Argh, always tough for me to wrap my head around these things when they pertain to the scripture. Are we inferring that Jacob and Esau/Smoke Monster descended from heaven directly to the island? One following after the other? Is that where Smoke Monster wants to get home to? HEAVEN? Does Smokey just need to be killed to 'go home' and hasn't been able to die all this time? Gives me an eerie feeling when I think about the scene in which Smoke Monster/Locke suggests Sawyer shoots him and they'd 'see what happens'. There's definitely something there.

    BRIANA says: "Now, the Kwon question....i have a theory based on the fact that Jacob touched both Sun & Jin @ their wedding. maybe he wasn't touching or marking them directly but what they could produce together...dumm de dum dum... BABY KWON!!"

    (jb)-Excellent theory. I haven't heard this said at all before yet (I don't think). This would be perfect. These babies need to start fitting in the big picture soon somewhere. If Yi Jeon and Aaron wind up being the key to all of this....being the 'candidates' that will ultimately count. I will be very excited to see that reconciled!

  20. A friend of mine, Chris, posts a hell of a Lost blog recap every week after the show for those who can't get enough. Like meeeeeeeeee.

  21. I have a feeling that we are going to get a "Dogma" like switcheroo here. In Kevin Smith's movie we met two angels, Bartelby (Ben Affleck) and Loki (Matt Damon). They had been booted out of heaven, and had found a loophole to get back in. Through the first 3/4 of the movie, Bartelby seemed to be the "Good" angel and Loki seemed to be more "Evil" based on there actions and interactions with the rest of the cast. But as the movie enetered the last 1/4, Bartelby proved to be much more corrupted and inherently more evil then Loki could ever be... I think we are seeing this with Jacob and Fake Locke. Jacob was made out to be the good guy and Fake Locke/Smokey as the bad guy, but I think over time we we find that this is reversed. I think Jacob is an evil fuck and JJ and the crew purposely use black to signify Smokey and get us to think he is evil. I believe Smokey, and I think he will be double crossed by Sawyer but it will prove to be a mistake. Jacob is the bad guy, and Sawyer will hinder Smokey from saving the world from him...

  22. This 'flash sideways'thing is driving me insane.

    Is it:

    A) A completely different timeline in a completely different Universe altogether.

    B) A fractures timeline splintered from the results of timeline 1 directly resulting from the on-island 'Incident' of 1977

    C)Still part of our regular timeline.

    D) None of the above.

    E) All of the above.

  23. Mike D.

    Your 'Dogma' theory sounds good. I'm starting to think that both Jacob and the Smoke Monster/Man in Black are just separate personalities of the same entity. The same MAN? 2 parts of a cognitive island itself? Like some sort of scitzo fighting over control of the same body.

  24. Wow, there are so many ideas here! Love the idea that the Kwon on the wall was Ji Yeon - I guess that means that we could see both her and Aaron return to the island one day....perhaps 30 years in the future? That would be a good twist having this all be a way to Aaron and Ji Yeon back to the island. I wonder if Desmonds baby Charlie will make a return as well??

    Sideways flash totally mind fu#king me too! I think its none of the above - maybe the chracters are not actually playing that storyline out but the producers are simply showing us how things wouldve been different. I dont understand how that storyline can be resolved since im guessing all roads lead to the island eventually - what will happen when sideways Jack gets back to the island and meets his other self? I also agree with the evil Jacob plot twist - simply because it seems way to easy for him to be good, he did manipulate our castaways in ways that werent so good natured.Giving Sawyer the pen to write that letter just led him to live a life that was less than ideal. Also wondering what the signinficance is of the time and place people were touched...Sun and Jin as adults, Kate and Sawyer as children, Jack as an adult and Sayid and Hurley after they had already been to the island.

    Still waiting patiently for answers.....
