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January 18, 2013

Help Bring The Web Series 'The Batman Chronicles' To Fruition

I am a big proponent of web series, because they allow real fans of properties to make some fantastic short films and TV shows on a micro budget. These fans are usually enamored with a particular character and put forth maximum effort to tell their version of the story. The Mortal Kombat web series and the City of Scars Batman series come to mind as awesome examples of what can be done with a good creative team and a little bit of money. The newest web idea to come across my path is 'The Batman Chronicles', which hopes to tell the story of a young Batman and his first encounter with the Joker & the Red Hood Gang. I am currently reading Batman: Earth One by Geoff Johns (a great read and wonderful gift from my fiance Tara from Christmas), which similarly tells the story of the early days of the Bat. That book deals with The Penguin. I am eager to see what these guys do with The Joker, especially since the dude playing him seems to have a good balance of Nicholson and Ledger in his performance. But they need your help. They are running and Indie GoGo page to raise money for the feature, and you can click here to make a donation to get the series made. Take one look at this trailer and you won't think twice about sending them a few bucks. Enjoy it after the jump... and help make this wicked rendition of the Batman a reality!

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