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September 19, 2012

CCD Links It Up Vol #5

I love bouncing around the 'Net and finding cool shit to post over here at CCD, but unfortunately not everything has enough meat to turn it into a full post. That doesn't mean you shouldn't know about them, so here is where I will link you to some great stuff. Today we get a plethora of hot red heads, A NY Comic Con reminder, a star wars fan made anime, and even more goodness... Click after the jump for the links of the day!!!!

1) The gang at The Chive always bring the hotties in their picture posts, but in this collection we get a tribute to the current trend in hot women hitting the web REDHEADS!!!! I know my man Cal will be happy with this gallery (unfortunately no Hattie Cal... meh)

2) Alison Pill was one of the greatest cast members on The Newsroom, which was my favorite show of the summer. She also recently tweeted a topless picture of herself to the whole world on accident while wearing sexy glasses. Yup, she is my new favorite actress...

3) College Humor is back with a sick 8 bit video game walkthrough of The Wire. Yup, I would play the shit out of Omar as a character, especially if he could blow guys after robbing drug dealers..... wait, what??? LOL....

4) /Film's video of the day is a fan made Star Wars Anime that features a sick space battle. Check it out...

5) My boy Johnny over at Freddy In Space (the best horror blog around) and artist Frank Browning re-created some vintage Halloween costumes in their original boxes with some more modern characters. These are freaking awesome, original and can't be seen anywhere else....

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