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February 6, 2012

Mike & Jeff's Favorite Super Bowl Commercials Of 2012

I am completely ecstatic that the Giants won the Super Bowl. That is neither here nor there. What I am not is impressed with yesterdays batch of TV commercials. Most the spots were blah... very boring is putting it modestly. The Matthew Broderick/Ferris Bueller Honda commercial was a travesty to say the least. But there were a few gems in there. Click after the jump to see some of the ones that Jeff & I thought brought the thunder  last night...

Jeff's faves:

Volkswagen: The Dog Strikes Back -

This was really 2...2...2...commercials in one. The first part was a great tail of one dog's journey to get himself into shape so that he could go chase after the sleek new Volkswagen Beetle Turbo....than just while this one is warming up our hearts, it screen pans back and the whole commercial spot is being viewed on wide screen TVs at the Mos Eisley cantina...a certain hive of scum and villainy! Every commercial should end with a little Star Wars in my opinion.......

Audi: Vampire Party -

In, perhaps, a wink at the 'Twilight' crowd...Audi presents us with a party in the woods for a gaggle of ghouls and one pal's lesson learned that the car's headlights are way more bright and shimmering than he may have thought.....

Suzuki: Eskimo Sled -

This Suzuki spot started off the night on the right paw. Just look at that Kool-Aid smile on this Eskimo as he drives along his frozen trail having fun with his furry friends in his new ride.....

Mike's Faves:

Met Life: Everyone's Game Day -

What a great commercial. Channeling all the old school cartoon characters in one ad was brilliant. I don't really know what the fuck this has to do with Life Insurance, but if Voltron & He-Man are in a commercial than I am on board.

Hyundai: Cheetah -

Wow. What a great commercial! They highlight the car, but pull a 180 with the typical animal placement in the commercial and let the attacking commence. Great... well done!

Teleflora: Give And You Shall Receive

Do I really need to explain why I loved this one? Holy Fucking Shit...

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