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March 16, 2010

DVD Releases For March 16, 2010

Ninja Assassin - ( Rainn, Naomie Harris)

I was really looking foward to this movie when it came out around Thanksgiving time, and it did not disappoint me one bit. The follow up to V for Vendetta for director James Mctiegue and Producers The Wachowski Brothers, the team picks up right where they left off and achieve new levels of action. Trained by a secret society of assassins to be the most lethal killer ever, Raizo (Korean pop star Rainn) is the most deadly murderer in the group. But after his friend falls victim to his own clans muredrous activities, he turns his back on the group who raised him and vows revenge. A Europol agent (Naomie Harris) finds herself hot on the trail of the assassin clan after she uncovers payoffs to them for killings, so she ends up being next on the list. Saved at the last second by Raizo, the unlikely duo work together to take down the clan once and for all. Plenty of great stunts and tons of violence, this is the kind of movie you pop in when you want to lose yourself for a few hours. Available on DVD and Blu-Ray.

Twilight: New Moon - ( Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Dakota Fanning)

Ok, so lets skip all the teenage girl nonsense. Its easy to dimiss the entire Twilight franchise as teen cheese based on the 1st movie, but for those of you who ACTUALLY READ all 4 books you would now that this is not the case. New Moon is the beginning of when  shit starts to hit the fan in Forks, and the teenage love story starts to take a back seat to violence and revenge bewteen Vampires and Werewolves alike. Lautner steals the show as new werewolf Jacob, desperately in  love with Bella. But as we all know, she only has eyes for Edward the Vampire. The action picks up in this one, but it is still a bit dry and could be dismissed as corny rather easily. Just know that books 3 and 4 were very mature themed, with epic battles, teen pregnancy, violence and bloodshed taking the stage in those stories. I am eager to see how they pull off these elements in the films, so New Moon is a neccessary step on the path towards Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Plus, if you have to watch a chick flick, why not watch one with bad ass CGI Wolves and hot ass Kristen Stewart and Ashley Greene??? Available on DVD and Blu-Ray

Also Available On DVD and Blu-Ray: The Princess and The Frog, Armored, Did You Hear About The Morgans, Astro Boy, The 4th Kind, Breaking Bad Season 1 & 2  

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